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Vacuum conveying of chemical particles

2024-07-10 15:11:49

 Customer: Chemical granule production company

Challenge: Reduce energy consumption and improve the environmental performance of the production line
Solution: Customized vacuum conveyor
Results: Achieve energy-saving and environmentally friendly chemical granule transportation and enhance sustainable development capabilities
A chemical granule production company is committed to reducing energy consumption and improving the environmental performance of the production line to meet the market demand for sustainable development. We provide a customized vacuum conveyor solution for it.
After in-depth communication with the customer to understand the needs, we recommended the No. 7 continuous big belly vacuum feeder based on its material properties, conveying height and output requirements. This type of vacuum conveyor adopts the principle of negative pressure conveying, which can save energy and reduce environmental pollution.
After actual application, the customized vacuum conveyor significantly reduces energy consumption and saves a lot of power consumption compared with traditional conveying methods. At the same time, since the vacuum conveyor does not introduce external impurities during the conveying process, it effectively protects the quality and purity of chemical granules and improves the environmental performance of the production line.
By introducing energy-saving and environmentally friendly vacuum conveyors, the chemical granule production company has achieved the goal of sustainable development and enhanced its corporate image and market competitiveness. Their products have been more widely recognized and accepted, bringing sustainable business value to the company.