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Why select ultrasonic vibrating screen for molybdenum powder sieve

Molybdenum powder is an important inorganic mineral. It is mainly used in paper making, plastic, artificial rubber, food, edible color, medicine, adhesion agent and sanitary products, and its components are metal molybdenum in powder form.The ultrasonic vibrating screen of DaYong vibration production is aimed at the particularity of molybdenum powder, inhibits blocking phenomenon of adhesion, friction, flattening, wetting, etc., and improves the efficiency of screening and cleaning screen.The screening and removal of molybdenum powder are usually used in ultrasonic vibrating screen.There are mainly the following advantages:

1. Accelerate the separation of agglomeration, high electrostatic, high fine, high density, light weight, and adsorption molybdenum powder, thus increasing the sieve weight; 
2. the decomposition of molybdenum powder, reducing the impurities of the sieve, increases the screening rate by 5 to 20 times than the uninstalled ultrasonic vibration sieve;
3. The unique ultrasonic screening system is applied without any other mesh cleaning device, and the self-cleaning function mesh is not blocked;
4. Not changing the characteristics of sieving molybdenum powder;
5. Ability and scope of screening,  other screening machines cannot achieve;
6. The size of the sieve can be increased by 1-100%, the output can be increased by 1-15 times, and the industrial production of the molybdenum powder in 400 mesh is actually satisfied.
7. Prevent the blockage of 50-625 mesh and the insert of similar particles to extend the service life of the precious screen;
These are the answers that we have been able to make in molybdenum powder sieving with the ultrasonic vibrating screen of DaYong vibration equipment.Hope to help you.If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will provide you with better products and services.